20 Sarcastic Works of Art by Steve Nelson That Will Demonstrate the Innovation of the Human Mind

Steve Nelson is a talented Instagram artist who creates works of art that are not only visually stunning but also thought-provoking. His sarcastic works of art often demonstrate the innovation of the human mind in a way that is both funny and insightful. Nelson’s art is inspired by his love for satire and his interest in the human mind. His unique approach to art has earned him a large following of 139,000 fans on Instagram, where he regularly shares his latest works with his fans.

His work is not just sarcastic; it also contains profound wisdom. He has a talent for taking complicated concepts and reducing them to their core in a manner that is both humorous and thought-provoking. Bold, contrasting hues, minimalist designs, and a hint of humor are features of Nelson’s work. He frequently uses satirical portrayals of commonplace items and scenarios in his works, which creates an irony that is both amusing and thought-provoking.

Through his art, Nelson encourages us to think critically about the world around us and to question our assumptions. His works are a reminder that there is always a different way of looking at things and that innovation and creativity are essential to our growth as a society. He uses his sarcastic and innovative style to challenge our perceptions of society and inspire us to think outside the box. His works are both entertaining and thought-provoking, making him a must-follow for anyone interested in exploring the limits of the human mind. Take a look at some of his best works in the next section. You can also check his previous posts on boredcomics by clicking here.

Credit: Snelse

For more info: Instagram | Website

#1. The Roofs of Egypt

#2. Sparkling Water


#3. Poor Kitty

#4. How to deal with kids jumping on bed


#5. Which one is more effective?

#6. Probably


#7. Bare all

#8. Balls!


#9. Bears

#10. Exactly


#11. Tablets Through Time

#12. Gym Pitch

#13. Book a table for two

#14. Safety always first

#15. Hose jn different area codes

#16. Why didn’t they all just run

#17. Email

#18. Dry January

#19. Don’t forget leg day

#20. Veganuary

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