20 Comics About the Relatable Struggles of Teachers Dealing With Students

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Teachers definitely deal with a unique set of challenges. It can be difficult to maintain students attention and engagement in a classroom setting. It is common to deal with interrupted focus periods, side chats, and distracting behavior. Sometimes, it can take a lot of time and care to decide on proper punishments for misbehavior and how to resolve disputes among students. This is what Summers Off Comics sums up in her comics.


It is a web comic series created by brilliant female author Mojo Rose. She is a teacher who started creating comics in 2013 to deal with the stress of her teaching program. Her comics deal with the humorous and relatable struggles of teachers, from dealing with students and parents to grading papers and lesson planning. She gained the popularity of 35,000 followers on Instagram, where Rose shares her comics with her followers.

Credit: Summers Off Comics

For More Information: Instagram | Website

Here are some of her recent comics for people who have ever had teaching experience in their lives:

#1. Sub Plans

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#2. Must have a lot of patience

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#3. Irresponsible For Field Trip

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#4. Girls are being Appropriate

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#5. Wrap Everything for Break

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The artist’s comics capture the everyday challenges and funny moments that teachers experience. She does not shy away from the realities of teaching, including the workload, challenging students, and sometimes frustrating interactions with parents. Her relatable humor and honest portrayal of teacher life resonated with a wide audience, including teachers, students, and parents.

#6. At the beach

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#7. Beach Day

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#8. Under Pressure

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#9. Permission Slip

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Her comics portray the realities of teaching, from the never-ending grading to the challenges of classroom management. By highlighting these struggles, she can bring awareness to the demanding aspects of the teaching profession. Her comics can be a source of encouragement and humor for teachers who might feel overwhelmed by the challenges of their profession.

#10. Welcome to Art Class

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#11. Talk to you in private

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#12. No Nurses

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#13. Paying Attention

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#14. Moving to new classroom

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While the core audience is teachers, the humor and situations are relatable to anyone who has ever interacted with the education system, including parents and students. If you are looking for a laugh and a glimpse into the world of teachers, Summers Off Comics is a must-read. You can also read some of her earlier posts on Bored Comics by simply clicking here.

#15. Can’t read Basic Words

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#16. Class Tips

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#17. Borrowed books and simple tasks

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#18. Gets to talk first

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#19. Put that drawing away

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#20. Don’t Understand

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