20 Super Dee Comics Based on Three Sisters and Their Adventures

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Siblings can be incredible blessings in life. Unlike friends who may come and go, siblings are mostly there throughout your life. You share a history and a bond that can’t be replicated. Siblings can be your biggest cheerleaders and your shoulder to cry on. They understand you in a way most people can’t because they have likely experienced similar joys and challenges growing up.


Family love is a special kind of love. Siblings can love you at your best and worst, as beautifully illustrated by the comic artist Super Dee. She is also known as Deon Person. Rosebuds is a comic strip created by her. It centers around the lives of three sisters, whose good names are Rosa, Maria, and Maricela Gonzalez. The comic strip focuses on the daily experiences of these three sisters, highlighting the unique bond they share.

Credit: Super Dee

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It addresses the pleasures and difficulties of sibling relationships, including constant love and support, as well as arguments and teasing. She captures the spirit of family life in her work by adding humor and touching moments. She magnifies small issues raised by her siblings much beyond what they actually are. You can check out some of her best comic strips in the following sections.

#1. Drink Break

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#2. Dream Facts

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#3. a Royal Letter

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#4. Bury under the house

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#5. Sister Feedback

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#6. Bunny Princess

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The comic strip addresses everyday situations, such as clothes borrowing and sibling fights, that sisters can relate to. Rosebuds finally captures the close relationship and affection these sisters have, regardless of the humorous situations. She expertly combines touching moments with fun. You’re going to relate to their sisterly relationship and giggle at their adventures.

#7. Disorderly Conduct

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#8. Costume

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#9. Doctor Diagnosis

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#10. Siblings

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According to her comics, siblings may help you grow as a person, push you beyond your comfort zone, and improve your social abilities. Compromising and handling sibling rivalry are two important life skills. Siblings can provide you with new perspectives and a variety of life views. This has the potential to increase your worldview.

#11. Case study

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#12. Lab Rat

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#13. Office Visit

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#14. Jar Head

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#15. Mental Math

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The artist says that living with someone since childhood creates a unique shared history. Her comics include inside jokes, making readers feel like they are part of this comic series. We connect with the characters in the comics, either because they remind us of ourselves or our siblings. This makes the humor even funnier because we feel like we can personally relate to the situations.

#16. Attentive ego

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#17. Focus Test

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#18. Focal Point

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#19. Late Work

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#20. Smoke Screen

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