20 Sketchy Comics Shows Daily Observations From the Perspective of a Girl

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We all have those little moments in everyday life that can be funny or awkward. When we see these experiences captured in a comic, especially from a girl’s perspective, it can make us feel understood and make us laugh at the absurdity of everyday situations. Sometimes, the way girls see the world is different from how adults or boys might see it. These comics show a new perspective on everyday situations, which can be surprising and amusing.


There is a female artist on Instagram who thinks girls’ observations can be refreshingly honest and sometimes hilarious. The Skecthy Comic is the one that captures this honesty. It can be funny because it challenges expectations and highlights the humor in ordinary situations. She shows herself as the main character in various situations. She says that a combination of relatable situations and a unique drawing style can add another layer of humor and charm to her comics.

Credit: The Sketchy Comic

If you are curious to know more about the artist, then your wait is over. Just click on Instagram and the website. Also, feel free to explore her best collection of comics by grabbing a cup of tea.

#1. Having a Common Name

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#2. Summer Expectations

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#3. Questionable Purchases

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#4. Worse than You

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Her comics mostly focus on seemingly trivial moments such as struggling with a tangled hairbrush, the frustration of homework, and the awkwardness of crushes. By focusing on these details and portraying them with perfection and humor, these comics transform the ordinary into something relatable and funny.

#5. Summer Preparations

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#6. Flu Shots

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#7. Like

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#8. Growing Up

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#9. Shower Spider

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Basically, she captures the inner thoughts and anxieties of girls, which can be funny because they are mostly unspoken but relatable. Sometimes, she also comments on societal expectations and stereotypes, which can be funny because they are true. We laugh because these moments, though small, are universally experienced. Her comics never fail to amuse her fans due to their relatable and enjoyable content.

#10. Drawing Emotions

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#11. Old Art

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#12. Social Battery

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#13. Sibling Rivalry

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#14. Sleep

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Overall, her comics show daily observations from a girl’s perspective and amuse us because they are relatable, honest, offer a fresh perspective, and are creatively expressed. They allow us to laugh at the little quirks of everyday life and see the world through a different lens. If you are also a girl, you can also relate to this blog and tell us about your inner thoughts in the comment section below.

#15. Art Block

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#16. Memory

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#17. Hair Dressing

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#18. Hair Dresser Rambling

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#19. Wasps

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#20. Time Travel

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