20 Wheat Comics Full of Silly Situations and Random Twists

We would like to present to you Wheat Comics, a webcomics on seemingly unrelated and strange topics. It is a series of online comics created by Michael Crozier. His comics often feature random situations, puns, and unexpected twists, leaving readers amused and entertained. However, they’re not all as random as certain comic strips; instead, they consist of hilarious jokes with surprising endings.

He always doodled a lot as a child, in notebooks and other materials. He even created a few little comics back then. The artist had started reading other people’s comics online around five years before, and he felt it would be interesting to give it a go. He began writing down ideas he found amusing and collected money for a tablet computer that could be used for drawing. Let’s enjoy his best comics in the next section.


Credit: Wheat Comics

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#1. Heart

#2. Mining Operation


#3. Come to defeat

#4. Sick


#5. Treasure Hoard

#6. Spelling Mistakes

Although he is originally from Canada, he is a 25-year-old software engineer in Colorado, US, with a Bachelor of Science in computer science. In 2017, he launched Wheat Comics during his third year of college. He was posting mainly on Facebook at first, but over the next several months, he felt it would be good to try and get him on other sites as well. He also developed his website during this time.

#7. Talk


#8. Puzzle

#9. Glass

#10. Sparkle


#11. Chain Mail

#12. Surrender


#13. Massive Drip

Although he did purchase his drawing tablet primarily for this purpose and had been sketching down ideas for months before creating his first comic, the artist claims he didn’t necessarily go in without a plan. That’s how this webcomic got its start. Please remember to share and enjoy his comics if you enjoy his work and the struggles that went into creating his webcomic. Have a great time.

#14. Talking Horse


#15. Postal Service

#16. Is that a threat?


#17. Wondering

#18. Bathroom Bandit


#19. Cabinet

#20. Thoughts


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